Single driver speakers - opinions

1.Design - what is IYO the best design and why?
2.Sound - How would you describe the sound in comparison to other speaker designs?
3.Amplification - what works and what doesn't?
4.Is the WAF stopping your from moving in that direction?
What do you like or dislike about SD spks?
DIY v.s Commercial designs - Pros and Cons.

Feel free to express yourself and your thoughts about the Single Driver design speakers in this thread.

Ideas, your projects, pics, experiances are all fun and welcome.

From my experiance with at least two SD commercial design that actually worked like a charm, I have to say that I am seriously concidering it as my next DIY project.

Awesome speakers when done right.

Single driver speakers sound great after you do the Absolute Phase tweak on them!
Listen to well design SD speakers and you will find it very hard to go in any other direction. Match it with SET amp and its seductive qualities andd you will be in heaven.
Build it yourself.....ahhhhhh , what a felling.
Seat pretty and enjoy the magic.

Jeff's line of SD speakers is the perfect exemple.(others too)
Is Jeff's design base on original Sachiko (Cardersound Madison)? I do not know and I do not care. What matters is that it is a fine speaker (As well as TyBone).
The point is, that when done right - it works. get the most out of any design, one must pay atention to details and a lots of tweaking.
The fruit will show in sound to die for.

thanks for opportunity to audition the Madisons and TyBones.
They are awesome.

I am in the works to build my own Sachiko based speakers as well as another (new design(s)) SD speaker that hopefuly will turn heads.

I wish you well and hope to see you again sometimes.

Apologies Jeff and thanks for your answer, I had read on other threads that the Madison was based on the Sachiko, and I remember a post several months ago by yourself saying that your then newly formed company was building speaker cabinets from the Spawn family plans on the Frugal Horn website. I was not aware that Madison had different internals than the Sachiko. I commend you for your commercial attitude towards the designers back then and admire that you have developed the internals of your boxes further.

Thanks for the comments. I thought the dips on the Spawn family plans website were perhaps spurious. That makes me feel quite a bit better.
No apologies necessary, T. They are very similar in their outward appearance, and it is easy to make those assumptions. The original models were exact to the plans for the Sachiko,and is one of the finest single horn designs I've heard. The original designer of those plans, Scott Lindgren from the UK, is also responsible for the upgraded design path/internals for the new CarderSound models. The difference is not subtle, and upon hearing the original version Madison, I was doubting that it could be made better, but Scott schooled me the day I built the first new version cabinet. In this case, I was very happy to be proven wrong. The new model line cabinets(v2)are the best performing horns I've heard. That doesn't mean there isn't better out there. I just haven't heard it.

But, make no mistake, Mariusz is on a mission. That boy just might come up with something really special. My hunch is he'll spend more time on tweaking than he did to build his new boxes. I get the distinct feeliing that he'll die tryin'. Right, Mariusz?

Thank you both for the kind comments. T, building your own pair is both fun and rewarding. Do it. There is little that can replace the feeling of firing up your boxes for the first time. They don't even have to look that good, to sound good. You should see my first pair. I wouldn't show them to anyone, but they make wonderful sound in my shop, and are a constant reminder to me of what I don't want them to look Practice practice practice.

If you run into any stumbling blocks along the way, and develop any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me through my web site.
I would be more than happy to assist you in any way I can. Good luck with everything.

Mariusz, I look forward to our next meeting. I just finished the center channel and the rear HT surrounds. I'll email you some pics when I get a chance.

You both take care till we chat again.

please do contact me if you could.
For some strange reasones ALL of my contacts and emails vanished from my Gmail account.......I do not think it is becouse of my porn addiction :):)
but I still have to get in touch with Gmail staff to try to recover my contacts etc.

The center and surrounds sounds like interesting idea. In fact, I have the plans for on-wall Single Driver Fostex base surrounds as well but since I am not into HT stuff (love film but the format and excesive gear idea... sucks) Those might never see the daylight.....who knows.
All I can say - you are on the right track just keep on going.
From what I have heard, you will do just fine.
I wish you a great success with your line of speakers.
You deserved it.

As to your guess........well
you are probably right.....I have some crazy ideas.

Sachiko boxes will get some "Royal" treatment. Tweaking them is another story though.
I still have few weeks to put the master plan in motion. That is the time when the custom drivers will arrive.
But that is half of the story. (the helf that I am not to worry about)
The other half is a completely new design that I promised to post in this thread yesterday but did not. I will try to do it tonight.....if time permits.
I will be looking for thoughts, reactions and concerns from fellow audiophiles and DIYers.......and you Jeff as well.

I will come back later tonight and try to pass on some details and pics.
