Single driver speakers - opinions

1.Design - what is IYO the best design and why?
2.Sound - How would you describe the sound in comparison to other speaker designs?
3.Amplification - what works and what doesn't?
4.Is the WAF stopping your from moving in that direction?
What do you like or dislike about SD spks?
DIY v.s Commercial designs - Pros and Cons.

Feel free to express yourself and your thoughts about the Single Driver design speakers in this thread.

Ideas, your projects, pics, experiances are all fun and welcome.

From my experiance with at least two SD commercial design that actually worked like a charm, I have to say that I am seriously concidering it as my next DIY project.

Awesome speakers when done right.

mrjstark the design. Will be interesting to see what kind of low frequency extension you can derive from it. Looks like plenty of "tuning" opportunities, but SPL is where my interest would be here. As you know, I am a big fan of the artistic approach as well as the sonic potential. This design gets high marks from me cosmetically. Love the look, and I'm glad to see that you'll be the one doing all the sanding to make that path Nice creative flair, though. You'll have to bring them down so I can audition them. The reduced size is a true benefit of this design if you can come even close to the sonics on your properly built pair of Sachiko's. Thank you for sharing. Best of luck with it. I did email you to give you my contact info, as well as some pics to share.

Jeff Carder
Hi Jeff,
thanks for your email.
The surrounds and center look very nice.
It is cool that you did not forget about those who might think of using your speakers for their stereo rig but still have an option to expend to 5.1 SACD or AC3.
Without a doubt, it must be a great "SD speaker" system.

Seems like you do not get to much rest lately.
It has been only a month and you've already came out with the new subs, center & surrounds.
Very impressive.

As to my prototype, well it is nothing to go bananas about.
Yes, its size is/will be much smaller then Madisons - about 54" high, 12" deep, 12" wide.
And I am not really trying to replicate the sound of the Sachiko. In fact, my biggest challenge and what drove me into this project is the idea of the single driver speaker that is:
- relatively easy to drive, including SET amps.
- manageable size
- very high WAF ( my wife loves these speakers already and gave me her blessing for this and another project)
- achieving decent low frequency response.
- source direct and omnidirectional qualities.
- but the most importantly - awesome, 3D, dynamic and huge sound that can be fit into the small to medium rooms.

There is another project that I am also very exited about.
True omnidirectional speaker with the use of the single full-range driver and horn-loaded super tweeter. But that is in the really far future.....maybe next year or so.

I will be more then happy to have you over to listen to the first pair. Sometime by the end of this year during one of the NY Raves. I am planning to host the special "Analog Rave" - with my two or three modified TT, Sachiko and Double Spiral speakers as well as RWA (Red Wine Audio) new (prototype) battery-powered phono-stage and my own Isabella battery preamp.
Should be fun.

I will try to share with the rest about the progress and the end results.

Take care and hope to see you in the near future.

Here are some sketches.
One is the prototype of spiral design (similar to the omni that I am working on. Except the driver will be firing upwards toward the wood-turn well as super tweeter in the same configuration) and Sachiko with a twist:

Spiral design


Sachiko with a twist

I have also purchase Melody M300b mono SET amps which will be used to voice both. Should be fun.....all winter long.;)

Thanks for the vintage RS drivers. Will use those in OB designs and another system for my daughter (9.5yo , loves music and TT)
Thanks again


Glad you can use them. I have much stuff about. Nice for someone to enjoy it. Not into hording;) One of my friends is is homes filled with TT, Tone arms, NIB Lenco TTs. Little goat paths run through the tall piles of kit. Have more maybe I should have a audio rummage sale;) And invite my TT bud. My Piles start at 1890 to modern. Love the vintage but I don't use just collect. Might be time for someone else to enjoy it.
At the risk of stirring up the 4" hornet's nest again, anyone heard any design based on the 4" Jordan driver - such as the Carolina Audio designs? I know this driver has a following.
