Magnepans and cats, do they mix?

This is to those Maggie owners out there with cats, do you ever have trouble with the two? I'm all set to buy a pair, but have some reservations because I have two cats that are curious about *everything*.
Hi Terrence
Try taking some Orange peels and place them around the speakers or what ever you don't wish them near
if you run out of Orange peels just go to Bed Bath and beyond
and purchase orange citrus spray and spray into a small plastic sandwich bagie and place behind each speaker.
Kitty no like
Cheers John
I have two cats also. Both have had their front claws removed and are no longer a threat to my Magnepans and the furniture.
We once had a cat that would climb up my Maggies and perch on the top. They were old MGII with a relatively wide wood frame. Evidently there was enough clearance between the cloth and the diaphram so that the claws did no damage. The cloth was the old loose rough weave but the new knitted material would probably be damaged.

I was able to discourage my cat by means which PETA would probably not approve. Lots of luck!