Chris, I have read several of your posts.
Do you have any acoustic treatment in your room?
I think you should go and audition as many different speakers as you can until you find the speakers you like. I think finding the right speakers will be the key for you and probably the only solution. You may want to consider something that is warm, involving and something you can enjoy for long listening sessions.
BTW, JMF amplifiers? What are those?
In my mind, the place to start is the speakers. Find the speakers you like first, then get decent amplification, then work your way to cables.
I have heard an Aerial Acoustics Model 20T yesterday, and I think this speaker would definitely be something you should check out. If I remember correctly from your previous posts, you listen to a lot of classical music, so I would suggest to check out these Aerial 20T. Very musical. Rich sound, makes you want to listen more and more, non-stop. If your room size(they have a very hefty bass and big sound) and budget allows, this would be the awesome speakers to have. Also, I don't think they are as finiky with placement as the panels or electrostatics.
I think the speakers is what will fix it for you.
You had this problem with Dunlavy. I can see that happenning. I have heard SC-IV several times and they sounded way too small for a speaker of that size and they sounded thin. I didn't like them in several totally different rooms and systems. SC-V may be better than SC-IV, but I would expect them to have same sonic signature. And if you feel the problem is aggravated with the Soundlabs, then most likely panel or electrostatics are not for you.
Check out some of the good dynamic speakers.
Aerial 20T, Dynaudio, Wilson, Sonus Faber, B&W 800 Series with Diamond tweeter.
I think you will find the sound you are looking for only by choosing the right speakers.