The latest flavour of the month speaker

It's not an origonal observation, but why do we get the sudden flurries of posts and threads on a new speaker, or anything in fact? Following on from that, are you one of the sheep, or lone wolves shouting Bah humbug, my 30 year old Harbeth speakers are better than any new kit?

Following on from the first flurry, is the later question, Why are so many of this speaker up for sale on the Gon? That is one of the sheep worrying they have been too gullible. I am thinking here of Acoustic Zen speakers, now I use them, so I am plainly one of the sheep.

I have bought at least 2 popular Gon products, the Zen speakers and the TW Accustic Raven one turntable and am very happy with both, so I am not sure there is any harm in being swepped up by other members enthusiasm. The problem comes in answer to the question, why do they all go up for sale? Presumably people have taken up the next best thing ever.

So are you a sheep or a wolf? Be honest now
Good point about JL - perhaps they are too good to be true - so amazingly cheap that something has to give? They are by far best value for money. I have read at least one review where there was a problem - but it might have been a shipping issue - so I am speculating here. As someone put it well,"it is easy to make a single good sounding speaker but it is quite another thing to make them reliable and mass produce them"...
While I design many models of loudspeaker. I don't obsolete any models I build ea loudspeaker to last decades of use not to be replaced by better models. We build short model runs with exotic parts ea a work of loudspeaker art. We build designs right from the start so owner never feels left out holding dated kit because a new version is available. When I was a check book audiophile I suffered with this you buy v2 next thing you know v3s out and your left holding yesterdays bread. Low resale, guys online and in print saying how all the improvements have taken the v3 to a whole other level over v2. What a crock but we as audiophiles and comsumers fall for this since the 1950s
I am not sure fear does underline the herd instinct. We are all looking for some pointers for where to look for new kit. We all treat the magazines with some scepticism, though I think they are useful. They are under too many divers commercial pressures. A thread with lots of different positive feedback can be very compelling.
Personally I never by new unauditioned, but do 2nd hand, thinking I can sell on for minimum loss if the kit does'nt fit in. Positive response to a thread is a strong guide for me
There is something very appealing and cost effective about easily plopping out a cone and plopping in a replacement, if and when the time arrives, or even if one wants to upgrade the driver. The best part about owning these 'lifers' is it is very DIY friendly even for the ham fisted!. It is literally a speaker for life.
Seems very sensible to me. Wonder If B&W would ever follow suit?
Personally I never by new unauditioned, but do 2nd hand, thinking I can sell on for minimum loss if the kit does'nt fit in. Positive response to a thread is a strong guide for me

Yes but where do you think all the positive comments come from might be those preparing to unload their gear second hand of course!!!!

How many times have you seen a person right odes, sonnets and eulogies about experiences with certain new equipment and thier new found "nirvanna" yet a few months later ....surprise surprise ....said item is for sale!!!