Getting the Upgrade Bug Again

I just listened to some CJ gear this weekend. It was the ET3 SE pre-amp coupled with the Classic 60 SE amp. Not that I am unhappy with my current integrated amp, but clearly this is a step upwards.

I want to stay with tubes and would prefer to purchase new gear. So is there anything else I should listen to that is in the same price range of the CJ gear, which is $9,500.
Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
I'd wait until ARC slaps some KT-150s into their integrated amps. The KT-150 is supposed to be the first power tube designed with 20-20k music reproduction in mind.
Best you check out Cayin's tube line, and the companion VAS line. Great sound, great value. I own both have never been more satisfied.
03-18-15: Tls49

The PrimaLuna has plenty of power for my speakers. I don't think I would need more power.

IMHO, you do need more power. With EL34's, that's 32w/ch. B&W recommends a minimum of 50w/ch. Also, the 8 ohm impedance drops to 3 ohms. 800 series B&W are usually not tube friendly, however some may work, but will probably take more power. Have you tried the 4 ohm tap on the amp? I believe this should be better than using the 8 ohm tap. And if you try different tubes, then KT120's for the additional power.
I'm with Tls49 here - you need much more power from your amp to drive the N803D. Your Primaluna is woefully inadequate in both triode & UL modes.
Tls49 has correctly pointed out that B&W speakers (all of them) are not tube friendly. They can be used with tube amps but it's with those very large tube amps that burn a hole in your pocketbook.
As far as I know, tube amps work on the constant-power paradigm - tubes are voltage devices (as opposed to semiconductors that are current devices) hence they are less able to output large amounts of current unlike their SS brethern. As the impedance of the speaker changes over freq the power output of a tube amp remains essentially constant & the voltage output & current output of the amp changes to deliver the power. At low freq, the impedance is lower, the amp outputs more current (whatever's available within its spec) & generates less voltage (across a lower impedance). The power output remains essentially constant. At higher freq, the speaker impedance is higher & the amp has to output less current & it generates a higher voltage (across the higher imp). The power output remains essentially constant.
So, running the N803D off the 4-ohm tap is better from a current delivery & lower distortion point of view as the impedance mismatch between the tube amp & the speaker is less but it is likely to result is a slightly less output power (because the amp cannot generate as much voltage across the low speaker impedance).
But what you are missing from your Primaluna tube amp is its ability to dump large amounts of current into the N803D x-over components to generate a large voltage that will eventually feed the speaker driver elements. A honking big tube amps such as Atma-sphere MA-1 140W/ch or Atma-sphere MA-2 220W/ch might do the job for N803D. I'd say you'd need atleast a 140-150W/ch tube amp & it's going to cost you dearly!

Also know that B&W "voices" their speakers with Classe solid-state amps & it is for very good reason.
if you look at any B&W speaker's measured impedance & phase plots you will quickly realize that these speakers are made to pair with a solid-state amp (which follows the voltage paradigm i.e. power amplifier's output doubles with each halving of the speaker impedance down to 4 ohms, often to 2 ohms & rarely down 1 ohm - such an amp is going to be $$$$ to say the least.).

So, IMO, your statement that the Primaluna's have sufficient power for your N803D is a big understatement. Yes, you'll get some music output but you will never be satisfied with the sonics & will always have the upgrade bug.
If you love tubes, get another speaker. If you love tubes & that B&W N803D then open your pocketbook wide & get a tube that is worthy of driving your N803D......

Now, another suggestion (that has recently come of age) is that you can get a high power & high current class-D power anplifier for a very reasonable price. There are too many options (many of them stated here on Audiogon itself over many threads I've read in the recent months) to cite here. Here with a class-D you might be able to have your cake & eat it too (reasonable price, high current, good sonics, light weight, runs cool). if you are totally opposed to class-D, then, this option does not exist for you....
I want to stay with tubes and would prefer to purchase new gear. So is there anything else I should listen to that is in the same price range of the CJ gear, which is $9,500.

The PrimaLuna has plenty of power for my speakers. I don't think I would need more power.

Hi Greginnh

I would definitely include Music Reference in your search.

Music Reference RM200

Price List

Just a happy customer for many years.

Cheers and good luck in your search.
Bombaywalla has mentioned Class D. Rogue Audio now has tube/Class D integrated and power amps that would have no trouble pushing the B&Ws.

Pharaoh Integrated... 185 WPC/8 ohms, 350WPC/4 ohms
Medusa Amp ... 200/400, WPC 8/4 Ohms
Hydra Amp ... 100/200, WPC 8/4 Ohms

A different way to go.