Good speakers at low volume?

It's a known fact that a lot of speakers "come alive" when they reach at least moderate volume levels. However, since I live in an apartment, I'm looking for a good speakers where I won't lose all the details while playing at low volumes. In that respect Audio Physic speakers are great, full of detail, unfortunately they lack dynamics for me when I happen to listen to rhythm driven music. I'm thinking 4-8K price range (Dynaudio, Dali...). Any suggestions are appreciated.
In general, high-efficiency speakers and electrostatics do a better job with low-level resolution and liveliness. Of course, there are exceptions to this generalization.

With high-efficiency speakers, note that you want one that doen't have a thin, bass-shy tonal balance, as this will become even more apparent at low volume levels due to the ear's reduced sensitivity to bass at low levels.

Maggies , even, mmgs, properly driven, are hard to beat at low volume. Even at higher volumes, they will tend to disturb the neighbors less than dynamic designs.

Apogees would be an interesting pick as well.
One of the reasons that I have Quad (2805) is that they sound excellent at low volumes (I live in an apartment). The low-level detail and overall natural sounds is incredible. Maximum sound level could be a limitation, but I don't know how loud you want to play.

Another suggestion is the Linkwitz Orion which I would have picked if ability to play loud was on my list of priorities. Very good low level detail, very deep and natual bass and can play really loud. It is at the high end of your range, but that does include the amps.