Wells Audio Akasha Amplifier- Any owners here?

I've read some great things about this amp but have not had an opportunity to hear it. I'm also wondering how it would mate with an excellent tube preamp.

Any info you folks have will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I demoed the Innamorata, then purchased one. Loved how clear everything sounds, at that same time as being smooth, rich and with great texture. Not a hint of a 'resistor sound' and no drawbacks of tubes. Like having the best of both, with the sound of neither... The Akasha should be similar.
I'm very much a tube guy, but if I ever go to separates, the Innamorata will be in my top 3 amps to consider. Amazing depth and space and tonality. I've not heard the Aksasha, but I'd assume it's quite good too.
"and no drawbacks of tubes."

Other than having to replace them every couple of years or so, I am hard pressed to think of any "drawbacks".

I greatly appreciate all the responses. My amplifiers are MFA M-120 B. 4 KT88's in each. They have been significantly upgraded but not maxed out. They are paired with an MFA Luminescence pre-amp which HAS been maxed out by Mr. Frankland.

I've enjoyed these components for many years and the sole reason I'm curious about other electronics at this point is, simply, curiosity. IF I were to change amplification, I'd have to have an extremely compelling reason. The Luminescence is a lifetime keeper. :)