Is my preamp useless?

I enjoy my current system, which is built around a BAT VK-52SE preamp. I listen mostly to digital, via a Bryston BDP-2 player into a PS Audio DSD. I also enjoy vinyl on my VPI Classic/Dynavector/Sutherland 20-20 combo. Like most of us, I’m usually on the upgrade path. For me, the next component to upgrade would be the BAT preamp from a 52SE to a 53SE. But something occurred to me. I don’t listen loud. The gain on my PSA DSD is set to less than 100 and the BAT preamp is usually set between -20 and -10. So if my volume control is never set in the + range, is my preamp doing ANYTHING other than attenuating the volume and serving as a multi-input switch? Is all that Super Tube, single gain stage, zero feedback, high energy storage circuitry a waste of money?

Don’t get me wrong. I am very pleased with the sounds I hear. But if my pre isn’t doing anything, then I’d be better off to sell it and get a very simple passive attenuator, wouldn’t I? If that’s the case, what brands and models should I listen to?
Thanks for any advice.
Larryi is right of course; try it both ways.

When I had the PWD, my system sounded better with the PWD at 100% and a pre; does the volume control on the DSD "shed bits" as believe the PWD did?

I think you should do as Larryi suggested and run the PS Audio DirectStream direct into your amps and use its volume control. It's an excellent volume control and the quality does not diminish as volume is lowered. That way, the comparison will show you exactly what the BAT preamp is doing with it's associated cables.

If you don't have the latest Pike's Peak mod definitely download and install it! My guess is you will gain a fair amount of detail by bypassing the preamp, but you will lose any euphonic tube colorations. I did not find my particular DirectStream to need any tube colorations because the sound is relaxed and very musical right out of the DAC.

If you need analog inputs for your turntable or other sources I recommend you try a Luminous Audio Axiom II passive preamp with the Walker mod. You will find that there won't be much difference in sound quality running the PS DAC into the Axiom II and then into your amps... and it's very affordable! It will give you back your input switching for other sources and you can get a second pair of outputs if you like. Good luck!
Get rid of your preamp and sell it to me for cheap and use passive volume control. It's more pure and transparent.
Another typical logical reply from Larry. Simply compare your system with the preamp and then running the direct stream into the amplifier and just listen and could try a relatively inexpensive passive like the Lightspeed and compare. Some audio systems will sound better with an active preamp and others will sound better without them.
Yes, your preamp is absolutely useless. Just send it to me and I will dispose of it properly for you, free of charge. ;^)
