Next up... new speakers...

For better or worse, my approach to building my system has been to progressively upgrade one component at a time as budget permits, working from the front end to the speakers and then looping back to the front end again.

When I last upgraded speakers some 9-10 years ago, the B&W N805s I chose were the strongest "link" in the chain... now, maybe not so much. :) The current system:

Cary 306 -> BAT VK-30 -> Ayre V5x -> B&W N805 + REL Stadium

Interconnects are Cardas Golden Cross XLR, speaker wires are Cardas Neutral Reference.

Now I have "the bug" again... the N805s have served me well, but its time to move on. Something more full range would be nice.

The room I'm working with is pretty large -- 20x27, a vaulted ceiling (14' at side walls, 17' at center), with one 20' end open to another 14x24 room.

I'm looking for suggestions for speakers to audition that would be synergistic with rest of the system, that can "energize" this large space.

Musical tastes run the gamut from rock to blues to jazz to classical, so one-trick ponies need not apply.

Budget... mid-to-hi 4 figures. What would *you* suggest?
With a room that size might the C2's or C4's be better if in the used market. I used to like B&w's - sonus faber but then I heard the C1's from Dynaudio. I do own the C1's now. The C1's with my Rel B3 really sound fantastic. The C4's with a REL B1 sound super fantastic but way out of my price range
Digital Phase AP-4s which were clearly superior to my Gallo Ref 3.1s, Martin Logans, Vandies, Maggies, Legacy's (all previously owned) and equal to or slightly better than my also current Dunlavy SC-IVs. A speaker you would have to hear to believe. New they start at about $2500, mine have a few factory tweaks which brought them up to about $3500. Highly recommended.
Ohm 200, 300 or Walsh 5 series 3 would do the trick. Nothing I know of near the price can "energize the room" better.
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