What spikes , if any, do MBL 101E's owners use?

Anyone have any suggstions on what spikes, if any, they are using on their MBL 101E's? Also, what effects are you hearing with or without spikes?
Dev. Great advice. Thanks. I am going to order a pair. I noticed from their web site that the SP-1 are 4.5 inches tall and the SP-1-A is only 2 5/6 tall. It seems like the Sp-1-A would bethe way to go? An thoughts on this.
Hi Cyrus,

SP-1 for speakers and SP-1A for on your component rack for under components, I asked the same question of Robert. His advice to me at that time was the SP-101's but I had issues with using those with my speakers so the SP1's were then recommended.

I have had these for a few years now (SP1) and at that time Robert mentioned he was in the process of designing new product being superior so you might want to inquire about this. If you don't mind give some feedback regarding what you learn, thanks.

I believe he mentioned to me larger brass points and the platform body which is black currently was going to be solid brass and costing large.

Hi Cyrus,

when you are talking to Robert ask about Virtual Dynamics as they seem to be offering the same product that I just mentioned above that Robert spoke to me about years ago.
Looks to be the same principal design and theory but with VD's own logo laser cut. Let me know would be interesting.

Check it out;

Dev, I will talk Robert tomorrow and get back to with what I find out. My guess is that the SP-1-A was not made a couple of years ago.
The Virtual Dynamics rack is simply a solid brass version or copy of a Sistrum.
Starsound is "I believe" looking at offering such a rack in solid brass with new and more advanced technology and once they have this available the Virtual Dynamics version solid brass rack will no longer be offered. We have every confidence the new Sistrum rack I believe called "Stage" will be more than stunning from what we have heard it will be a must have product.
Virtual Dynamics will continue to work with consumers that would like a custom product for applications like the MBL speaker mentioned here. You may even want to have the work done at a local Machine shop and do it yourself, if that is the case were here to help.
Rick Schultz
Virtual Dynamics