Von Schweikert speakers..

Hello ladies and gentlemen. I would be interested in hearing any feedback from folks who either own or have done A/B comparisons between the Von Schweikerts (any models but specifically the VR4 SR MKIIs or VR4 JR MKIIs) and the Wilson puppies and sophias or the B&W 802Ds. For those of you who own them I would be interested in hearing which amplifiers you chose to drive them and why. Thanks in advance.
You've lost me. What does "lookup goniff" mean? As far as price is concerned, the model VSA speaker I am looking at is over $4K less than the 802s. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Oh ok. You are accusing Albert Von Schweikert of being a swindler. He must in some way be associated with the Bush administration I suppose. Again, thanks for sharing your opinion.
I owned the VR SR mk 11 and I have heard the Wilson 6, 7 ,8 speakers.
Here is my opinion of both.

The VR were ok , they do require a very long break in time. I did play them for many months .
I never quite liked the bass or the treble. The Bass was not deep and defined and the Treble was rather hot.

The Wilson Watt Puppy 6 was shrill the 7's better and the 8's much better.
However, The bass and the midrange/treble on the 8's seemed to be disconnected. Like they were coming from 2 seperate sytems.

I ended up buying the Eggleston Works Andra 2 for about the same price new as the VS new. I like them much better. Better bass and the tweeter used is very refined.
Just my opinion to your posting. Hope it helps.

I think you are misled. If he is a swindler he must have worked with Acorn or Barney Frank and got us into this mess.

I heard VOn Schweikert speakers many years ago and was impressed with their open sound. I'd like to hear the new Andra 2 as the Andra 1 was a very good speaker.
Es347 - I suggest you search the archives on "Von Schweikert". There are as many posts on these speakers as any brand you'll find I expect. You should be able to find the info you're looking for with a search. There are many many fans of their speakers. I am one of them and own the VR4 GenIIIs and also a pair of VR3's.

As for whether Albert is a swindler - I don't recall seeing any posts from customers/owners who felt "swindled". Further, I've had excellent experience with their post sales support.

Finally, there are many opinions of what speakers are good or not, and which are better than others. The only one that counts though is your opinion. Listen to them and decide. At a minimum, VS speakers are worth auditioning.