Impulse Electronics used to be in Lindfield, Sussex. I did some digging and it seems they are in Cornwall now (Aspara Acoustics). Sorry, my bad.
Good for you! It is a lot of fun but do take lessons as you need to have a goal each week otherwise you simply won't progress. The TD-9 has very good sound. Although not nearly as dynamic as the real thing but pretty good for an electronic set - darn realistic in sound. No positional sensing so I am also considering a TD-12 or TD 20 one day in the future. (Actually I many wait to see if Roland upgrade the rest of their line - the TD-9 only just came out so perhaps in a year or two a new TD-12 will appear?) The mesh pads are simply brilliant - great feel. I use the famous sportcasters headphones and they work great - Seinheiser HD 25 pro. Not quite as nice sound as my trusty AKG 240 headphones but you really need a bit of acoustic isolation when playing electronic drums and as you may have guessed - these headphones are the most dynamic I could find! (Yes my taste for dynamics is insatiable!)
where did you get Lindfield from?
Impulse Electronics used to be in Lindfield, Sussex. I did some digging and it seems they are in Cornwall now (Aspara Acoustics). Sorry, my bad.
got the older TD-8 kit (in storage), always wanted to play drums (to amuse ones self with headphones of course
Good for you! It is a lot of fun but do take lessons as you need to have a goal each week otherwise you simply won't progress. The TD-9 has very good sound. Although not nearly as dynamic as the real thing but pretty good for an electronic set - darn realistic in sound. No positional sensing so I am also considering a TD-12 or TD 20 one day in the future. (Actually I many wait to see if Roland upgrade the rest of their line - the TD-9 only just came out so perhaps in a year or two a new TD-12 will appear?) The mesh pads are simply brilliant - great feel. I use the famous sportcasters headphones and they work great - Seinheiser HD 25 pro. Not quite as nice sound as my trusty AKG 240 headphones but you really need a bit of acoustic isolation when playing electronic drums and as you may have guessed - these headphones are the most dynamic I could find! (Yes my taste for dynamics is insatiable!)