Is my preamp useless?

I enjoy my current system, which is built around a BAT VK-52SE preamp. I listen mostly to digital, via a Bryston BDP-2 player into a PS Audio DSD. I also enjoy vinyl on my VPI Classic/Dynavector/Sutherland 20-20 combo. Like most of us, I’m usually on the upgrade path. For me, the next component to upgrade would be the BAT preamp from a 52SE to a 53SE. But something occurred to me. I don’t listen loud. The gain on my PSA DSD is set to less than 100 and the BAT preamp is usually set between -20 and -10. So if my volume control is never set in the + range, is my preamp doing ANYTHING other than attenuating the volume and serving as a multi-input switch? Is all that Super Tube, single gain stage, zero feedback, high energy storage circuitry a waste of money?

Don’t get me wrong. I am very pleased with the sounds I hear. But if my pre isn’t doing anything, then I’d be better off to sell it and get a very simple passive attenuator, wouldn’t I? If that’s the case, what brands and models should I listen to?
Thanks for any advice.
George, I want your device to do well and that is why I try it yet one more time on a different assortment of gear. My open minded ways is always curious and willing to experiment. I love great values in audio and have learned a great deal over the past few years on building and modifying gear

I just can't fathom why some one would buy at different time 4 x Lightspeed Attenuators.
A second one I can understand, thinking, "maybe I made a mistake by selling the first one", but now a 4th one??

It's beyond me, but hey keep buying them as it keeps me in beer money.

Cheers George
I've bought the same speaker cables and integrated amp 3 times now. I haven't reached 4 yet, but maybe one day. ;^)
Of course I bought them all used.
Yeah, I did not buy the unit three of the times. This one is a friends that wants me to sell it for him. I sell gear for friends often as witnessed by my prolific feedback:) Anytime I read about dozens of folks saying a $500 passive toasted their $5,000-$20,000 active it gets my attention. Again, I have different gear that seems best matched to achieve the magic so many write about.

I may build a battery supply for it, upgrade the RCA's, dampen the chassis and use better hook up wire. Again, it is behaving nicely thus far and may indeed be worthy of a few simple upgrades.