Subwoofer: room 16 x 18.5....

would a small 8" sub be enough low end for this room? This is for music only applications...thanks...
Thanks so much for the kind offer! Even though I am on the 'left' coast, feel free to drop in.
But, I must respectfully differ. One theme running thru many posts is that measurements DoNot matter. The fuse guys and some of the cable guys are good examples. Nobody has demonstrated a way to measure a fuse good/bad. So, too, the cable goes unmeasured except for the measures of resistance and Capacitance we are all familiar with...and yet! there is something more to it.
I can see myself (I know me!) going absolutely nuts with an SPL meter, test tones or even analysis software. Since in my professional life, I am a cleanroom technician for a semiconductor manufacturer, I am Very Familiar with experimental design, and the use of JUMP analysis software.
Nope, I'm going to leave it fun, just listen and treat those known defects of my room. My room, just for laughs, has 8 sides, is very unsymetrical and has an off center 12foot vaulted ceiling.
Now, if I had a certified / calibrated microphone..........
Magfan said, "One theme running thru many posts is that measurements DoNot matter. The fuse guys and some of the cable guys are good examples. Nobody has demonstrated a way to measure a fuse good/bad. So, too, the cable goes unmeasured except for the measures of resistance and Capacitance we are all familiar with...and yet! there is something more to it."

I say, measurements do matter. But thats just me ( well maybe not JUST me ), and yes, measurements do not tell the whole story! But an in room frequency resposne, RT and waterfall plots do say something! If you are a "scientist" it must count for something. This takes about 1 hour of your time if you are good setting up and downloading the program. Try it and see.
I may do so, in the future. BUT, I know my character and once I start down this path, I'll be nuts until I figure it out.
Yes, there are 2 schools of thought on this 'hobby / avocation'
1. Just listen and enjoy
2. Analyze and measure
I DO have a radioshackup SPL meter in Analogue form AND I sent away for the Rives Audio disc which has test tones calibrated to the RSmeter. The RS meter has known rolloff curve so, the tones are biased.....either that, or they provide a 'if this....add or subtract this much.......table.
I don't know! I never opened the box! I figured, 'There Be Madness'.
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