Harbeth - Audio Research?

I have Audio Research VT100 mk2. and would like to try a British sounding speaker. I am thinking of Harbeth HL-5 or M30. Has anyone tried these two combinations?
Have tried Harbeth with Cary,McIntosh and Bruce Moore with great results.
If you are into heavier rock, you may prefer the M30 over the 5s and 7s. You won't be disappointed with any of these speakers, truly musical.
Heard the 40.1 at RMAF and felt is bested many of the mega buck speakers. But it seems to need a very big room.
I have owned Thiels for many years and using a pairs of 3.6 now. I am thinking of moving to a new direction as I am getting tired of listening only to good recordings. Some recordings sounded terrible on Thiels. I listened to Harbeth once and I thought it is more musical and natural than my Thiels. Will I loose out by changing?
the audio research and harbeths will go well.
Go for the SHL5s although the M30s are also quite nice.
The Harbeths for that matter will go with most amps.
You know, the thing is, I really love the Harbeths but if you haven't heard a lot of comparisons then your upgrade bug talks to you. "Wonder how those Thiels would sound" "Wonder how those B@W's would sound" It's definately an affliction!!!!! Wish there was a speaker borrowing company like the cable company.