Help narrow my speaker search. $2500-$3500 used.

I am upgrading my Totem Forests. I love them but I'm looking for the next level of refinement. They are a bit fatiguing as they get a little hot on vocal sibilance. Other than that I would have kept them forever. I am running a Cary 303/200 CDP into a Spectron Musician II. All Cardas Golden Cross cables.

I am relaxing the budget to $2500-$3500 used. Top contenders are so far are PSB Synchony One, Vienna Acoustics Beethoven; Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus or Dali Helicon 400 Mk 2.

I have demo'd the Sonus and like them except for somewhat boomy bass, and maybe lacking the last degree of resolution. Very easy on the ear though, and gorgeous to boot. I am concerned they might be a bit too relaxed for low level listening.

I don't have a way to hear the Dali's. They are supposed to be highly resolving, so I may be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire as far as a hot top end. I LOVE the way they look, but that has to be secondary.
I also haven't heard the Viennas or PSB's, but might be able to audition them

FYI - So far my favorite voicing has been the Dynaudio S3.4, but its too tall for my HT room. I want something under 44" tall. So if any of you know that one or more of these contenders has a similar voicing, let me know.

I also auditioned Acoustic Zen Adagio, and they weren't my cup of tea at all. Way, way too relaxed, and the soundstage wasn't nearly what I get out of my Totems.
Ever consider Magnepan 3.6's? I used to run them with a Musician II and they were magical!
The Von Schweikert VR4JRs are hard to beat in that price range (used)- dynamic, detailed but not analytical, involving, tight bass with effortless highs and extremely musical. They don't shout the music at you but simply open the venue to your involvement.