Wilson WP 7s and supertweeter

Has anyone had experience adding a supertweter to the Watt Puppys for a little extra top end air?
A Berylium tweeter or a Ribbon or Scan Speak will have more air but for me all but a Ribbon sounds less natural. Also, your cables can be a big problem. What speaker cables & interconnects are you using? Lastly, this seems like a first so please try & let us know. Maybe a rear tweeter for ambiance might improve things. Considering all the amplification you have tried, I still think that some times a system synergy. Any networked cables will reduce highs.
I use Stealth hybrid mlts speaker cables with Indra ics, but have heard with Siltech high end cables,Nordost Valhalla and Transparent Reference.
Stealth should be pretty good. Indra might be a little warmer in sound though. I am a Tara fan. A silver cable will definitely tilt up the highs. Not to my liking.
Thanks. Was always in flux but now too happy to change much. I wonder if the supertweeter can function as an ambiance tweeter as in the X-2s. Might be very cool. I am very against hissy highs tough. A ton of equipment is voiced as such these days.