Efficient speaker, big bad tight bass?

Any reccommendations out there for this criteria:

1) Conservative looking, wood finish a must
2) Smaller (no 100-150pound behemoths need apply)
3) Can be run nicely with 30 watts class A power
4) Great for Rock and dynamic slam
5) $3-$4k used

I am looking at the new Klipsch Palladians. They seem to fit the bill, look nice and conservative. Anyone hear them?

Thanks all
For rock, I would not hesitate to get JBL. But look for amodel with as big woofers as possible. 10" woofer is good to have to feel the music.
You owe it to yourself to check out the original DA-1 from Daedalus Audio.

They are in that 100 lbs weight class, but they are not physically/aesthetically overwhelming for a floor stander.

Otherwise, they certainly meet your requirements and are typically $3500 or less, used.
If you want "tight" bass then you will need a very large box speaker - a corner horn loaded or something like that. The problem with "tight" bass is that is requires critical damping (no bass bump in the frequency response) - this is necessarily inefficient until you get to a big woofer and big box ( think 10" woofer as a bare minimum ). Think classic Klipsch or Tannoys - big armchair sized stuff and you will be in heaven.