Efficient speaker, big bad tight bass?

Any reccommendations out there for this criteria:

1) Conservative looking, wood finish a must
2) Smaller (no 100-150pound behemoths need apply)
3) Can be run nicely with 30 watts class A power
4) Great for Rock and dynamic slam
5) $3-$4k used

I am looking at the new Klipsch Palladians. They seem to fit the bill, look nice and conservative. Anyone hear them?

Thanks all
Thanks all for your suggestions. I am leaning toward the Devore Nines, perfect size and look. I guess I misstated my post, I was not looking for dance club bass, but more along the lines of a Wilson Sophia.....they are efficient and look great, but weigh a ton and are way more than I can afford. Am also looking at Proac models as well.
Just auditioned the Nines, and while they do many things nicely, their bass is not real impressive in terms of weight and moving air. The older Proacs that I've heard(i.e. Response 2.5, 3) have a similar style performance. The Sophias sound quite different. I'm guessing that if you love the Sophias, the DeVores won't be your best choice. Cheers,

New, the Audiokinesis "Jazz Module" is $4500. I've not heard it, but it's big brother, the Dream Maker is wonderful. Both models are very efficient and their maker has an excellent ear. It's very handsome.

Take a look at the Klipsch Epic CF4 for sale on this site and see if you can live with the size. It will do everything you want. It will slam with rock and roll. has a nice wood finish.