Naim Nait 5Si and Focal 807W Speakers

Are the Naim Nait (5si) Integrated Amplifier/s sonically good match with the Focal Speaker/s (807W).
Samac and Zd542,
Thank you much on opinions.
Actually, I am listening the Focals with the NAD C356BEE.
I upgraded the stock Pre/Amp jumpers with the Cardas jumpers. The sound is good, deep bass and extended highs. The problem is, the Volume gain on the NAD.
I barely can move the volume knob.
On 6.35 position is already too loud.
That's the only reason why am I looking for the Amplifier
with the similar sound to the NAD. The Arcam could be even better solution since I heard that is warmer than NAD
Can you list your entire system, cables, tweaks and whatever else? Also, just to clarify, 6.35 is where the minute hand would be on a clock? Where does the volume know normally sit with the volume turned all the way down? The reason I'm asking is that most volume controls are turned all the way down at 6.35. I'm also assuming that you have 1 pair of speaker cables connected to speaker a on your amp and that speaker b is off.
Sorry, I exaggerated. It was not 6H 35m, it's more like
6H 40m. The rest of the system is: Sony SCD-XA5400ES;
Tascam MD-02B Minidisc and the Focal 807W Speakers.
The Speakers Cables: Signal Cable
Interconnects: Tara Labs
And yes, I am using only one pair of the speakers.
Just joining in a bit late here. I have the Naim Nait 5SI and after a couple of months of break-in I find the amp to be very neutral and actually quite intoxicating after some time of listening, you just get carried away with the music and no longer caught up in constant evaluation of your sound system, etc.  There is no such thing as the perfect system unless you have tons and tons of money to burn and hours to waste your life away. The pursuit of the high-end can be a horrible addiction never admitted to by those that pursue it.  At some point you need only to sit back and enjoy your recordings accordingly.  My system: Q-Acoustics Concept 40 floorstanders, NACA A5 Cables, Nain Naiit 5SI, Arcam IR-DAC, Kimber Silver Streak rca's, Marantz CD6005, Kimber Hero rca's, isoblocks, vibrapods, acoustic wall mounted panels.  I find Arcam gear to be o.k. for the money but it does not grab my attention, where as NAD to me has no signature to its sound, to me sounds lifeless and boring.  For intergrateds and best bang for the buck to me: Naim, Rega and Bryston. I just happen to own Naim and quite happy with my system..everyone has different ears, enjoy!  
I had the Arcam A19 for a little while, and I thought it was a very nice piece for its price range.  Smooth, open sound stage.  I think it would be a nice pairing with the revealing Focal tweeters.  Another integrated in that price range that you might consider is the Creek 50A.  I've always found Creek to be a refined, slightly relaxed sound, and I think it would pair well with your Focals.