Upgrade to Totem Forest or Monitor Audio GS60?

I really like my Totem Hawks and Lightning subwoofer but they seem a bit small for my new (larger) listening room. The new room is 14' by 20'. I was thinking of upgrading to the Forest or maybe the Monitor Audio to help fill the room. Is the upgrade too small? Should I save more and get something bigger?


I love the Totem Forests in a bigger room, but I think the Monitors will be better for rock - all those aluminum drivers will move lots of air RIGHT NOW when asked.

Not sure which would best compliment your ARCAM amplifier - can you audition with your amp and your music at the show room?
14x20 is just a bit on the large side for the Forests IMO. Mimberman's post is right on. I know them in a room that is 14x17x8 and that was about as much as their bass can handle.

I think you should look into a slightly larger speaker that either of those. JM Lab Electra 926 would be a great candidate, or something of that size - assuming you want enough bass extension to create real soundstaging. Some people don't care about that in which case the Forests would indeed work well. Personal taste always plays a role of course.
Thanks everyone for the advice. I agree with knownothing - I need to move much more air now. I'll see what my local dealers can offer for loaners.

For rock, prog-rock, techno, electronica, and any other musical style where you want pits of hell deep bass that's accurate, fast and musical, great mids and treble and the ability to move a lot of air, check out Legacy Focus HD.