Vandersteen Model 7s?

I saw on the Vandersteen tech web site that there is a model 7 to be introduced at the January CES. Any advanced information from fellow audiogoner's? From dealers? Anyone? Bueller? (sorry)-
This all sounds very interesting. What is going on with the sub? Is it improved as well? I would also be even more excited if the 7s were more efficient than the 5As
Thanks Terry
It looks like the 7 would be the next logical step in what appears to be an amazing system you've assembled. Yours is one of the rare systems here in which all the pieces make sense to me(more than my own). My room is actually similar to yours although I didn't do the work myself. I say buy the 7s and let us know what you think. You're ideally set up to let us all know what these can do.
Sure...Let me jump on that :)
If it could happen for me it would be while, 2010 or so.

Maybe you can get the job done faster. At any rate it sounds like several months before anyone will take delivery.
Tdaudio, have you tried the Aesthetix Atlas or mono blocks with Vandersteens? My dad loves his on the Wood Quatro and as I sure you know Richard consulted with Aesthetix on those amps and they have the filters built right in.