"Fun" Speaker As An Alternative To Revel Salon I

I have had Revel Salon I speakers for about eight years now. Enjoy them. But it has been a long time with them, and I have the itch to hear something different. At this time, I do not want to incur the cost of replacing the Salons. Instead, I am toying with the idea of getting a second set of speakers to insert into the system every now and then for a different listening experience.

Some speakers that have intrigued me as possibilities include the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors, and the Harbeth Compact 7. I am curious to know whether any of you have suggestions on what would be a good change-of-pace alternative to the Revels.

The front end is a Meridian 800/861 combination, and the amps are Clayton M300s.
Go on and get a pair of single driver speakers (Cardersound Madison V2) and get a great 300B SET amp. I too have different speakers/amps for different moods. But, i find myself listening to my SET Single driver rig 80% of the time.
Love your Clayton M-300 amps, best SS out there, IMHO. I would consider some of the older Sonus Faber speakers, such as the Sonus Faber Guarnieri Homage over the Cremona.
I would also consider the Verity Audio Fidelio Encore or even the Parsifal Encore if budget allows. Both of these speakers would be a very welcome change of pace to your Revel Salon's, IMHO.

A small sub can sit silently in the corner when you're "Reveling" and you can find somme great small mains that are easily moved into place when you're not. Maggie MMGs and Ohm 100s are my choices to join a pair of Velodyne SPLR subs and an SMS-1 controller (the key!) when my Verity P/Es or Merlin VSMs are out of rotation. Very different way to go and fun to switch in and out.

Good Luck

Second for vintage, perhaps some redone EPI 100's with way cool inverted dome tweeters. It stops being fun when you're afraid to rest a potted plant, cold drink or lit cigarette on the cabinet.
Sonus Faber and Harbeth, yes. Both tend to be on the expensive side IMHO but it's not my budget, obviously, and if you're looking at those then, like John, I'd also say try Verity Audio. For a "fun" speaker my 2 cents says try Triangle.