I would appreciate some speaker suggestions

I haven't been involved in stereo for a quarter of a century. I am going to assume that speakers have made some significant strides in this time frame. I currently listen to four Kef 105.2 speakers. I have them set up where I can switch between 2 or 4 speakers (1-2 per side in stereo) depending on the material I listen to. I have no issue with buying used or older speakers. Ten year old speakers would be new to me. In general, I like the sound of the old Kef's especially the midrange but I believe the high and low end could be better. I appreciate any help and insight you can give me on a speaker upgrade. I would be playing both CDs and records. I listen to all types of music. My budget is about 2.5K for the speakers but would prefer to spend less than 2K. Once again, thanks for the help. Regards, Gary
Get newer KEFs. They are an excellent speaker and you like them. The last time I looked there was a pair of 107s for $1550. Those were the top speaker of its day , newer ones are also available. There are many good speakers which vary considerably in sound. If you have found a sound you like stay in the family.

Boy that is a pretty low budget, especially for new speakers. One thing that doesn't happen much is really low bass on a low budget. You should consider some monitor speakers. Harbeths or Reference 3A's, Merlins are pretty good. Haven't listened to Spendors in a while. You can get world class midrange plus the disappearing act that only much more expensive speakers normally offer.
Pls help us help you w detail about your amplification, room size, and musical tastes.
$2500 is plenty of $$$ and you can get great bass too!!! used speakers are a bargain esp if you research them here and elsewhere. don't overlook a subwoofer too. some people equate overspending for improved sound, it is why people buy rolls royce instead of better engineered cars for half the price. to get better responses you should include power source etc. narrow it down to get a good list of likely products. also, within each brand differences can be substantial esp. after 25 yrs of design changes. happy hunting.