I would appreciate some speaker suggestions

I haven't been involved in stereo for a quarter of a century. I am going to assume that speakers have made some significant strides in this time frame. I currently listen to four Kef 105.2 speakers. I have them set up where I can switch between 2 or 4 speakers (1-2 per side in stereo) depending on the material I listen to. I have no issue with buying used or older speakers. Ten year old speakers would be new to me. In general, I like the sound of the old Kef's especially the midrange but I believe the high and low end could be better. I appreciate any help and insight you can give me on a speaker upgrade. I would be playing both CDs and records. I listen to all types of music. My budget is about 2.5K for the speakers but would prefer to spend less than 2K. Once again, thanks for the help. Regards, Gary
Gallo 3.1's no doubt. Or, I would buy Manepan 1.6qr's and a Vandersteen 2wq sub. Both, very nice.
I would change the amp first, you might not need to change the speakers. Amps like the one I use, Musical Fidelity NuVista M3, are available at around $2400 used on Audiogon and would completely transform your system. They are rated at 275 watts at 8 ohms but can deliver far more power at lower impedance's, which they will see driving both pairs of your speakers. The bass will improve beyond your wildest hopes and the top will also be better. Try to borrow a good modern solid state amp and see the difference it makes before changing speakers.
Check out the Vandersteen 2Ce Signature II--Imo one of the great "all-round" speaker for the money. Listed if not mistaken ar.$2200. Not as fussy as some competing planars or stats variants to set-up and on partnering equipments--simply put, very musical.
In the hard economic times, you might find a pair of Maggie 3.6 ribbons. After going to ribbons after 20 years with dynamic speakers, there is no going back. The size of stage, resolution, speed, are addicting. They need a little power to come alive, SE amps are out, 70-100wpc gets them to come to life, more if you want more serious volume. They need to be away from the wall a few feet...3-4. Those caveats aside, they are amazing....for the money..even better. jallen
Just trying to be relevant to thread--on allocated budget, varieties of music listen to and associated equipments to be use with the speakers. However, my 20yrs plus of living with various planars from original CLSs in 1983, progressing steadily--MGIIIa, Apogee Diva, ML Prodigy to the MG20.1s a couple of years back, was also quite the reversal of previous post. Am now a happy owner of dynamic speakers.