I see many folks talking about the radio shack SPL meter. I am a beginner and would like to try and see how my room is responding, what is the best way to start?
Don't freak if you get some strange results. This is why we treat rooms, and many conclude that their room is the component that most affects the results.
Absolutely. Expect to be disappointed compared to a stereophile speaker freq plot...
I just did this a few months ago. I did my test at 80db. I read that If you can do your test at 90 db you will get more accurate results. The only advice I have is, If you have earplugs, I would wear them. I started without them, but even at 80db, by the time I got from 30hz to 60hz in 1 hz intervals I had a headache. If you have a tripod the meter mounts nicely to the top. Good luck, it will add another dimension when you look at your.
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