AAD 7001 vs Magico Mini MK II

Hi. Currently rebuilding my complete set-up. My Indras will have to go as my listening room moves to a smaller space now (4x5,5 meters).
I´ve heard great things about AAD 7001´s and Magico Mini´s - both beeing said to build the finst monitors available.
Any experiences with these two brands ?
rgds., Frank

I use Boulder 1021 + 1060 electronics.
I had the AAD 7001s for a while as a dealer. They were the best monitor I ever heard, real bass to below 30hz and an incredible open top end. I never heard the magicos, but I cannot imagine them being much better.
During last 10yrs, my speakers evolved from Pro-ac Response 4 to ML Prodigy to MG20.1, then two years ago the SF Stradivari. Earlier this year, after having audition a number of some highly touted contenders within my allocated upgrade budget of 40-60k, I ended up with the MiniII.

Although price wise this may seem a downgrade, but sound wise (in my set-up) there's simply no contest. IMO the MiniII is much more accurate, neutral, fast, transparent, coherent and just as equally musical compared to the more costly Strads.

I also think they are almost a perfect fit for your room (1-2m longer would be more ideal), and given enough quality wattages from the Boulder, they should synergize pretty well. What's 1060's ratings to 8-4ohm btw.? Do home audition one, I have a hunch that you will most likely keep them.
@ Linkster: I´ve listened to several Utopia series speakers and never found the attracting (to much hifi). But I´ve heard that the new series is much better, than the previous ones.

@ Bvdiman: the 1060 delivers 300 watts into 8 ohms and 700 watts into 4 ohms. I´m a bit afraid that the AAD´s as well as the Mini´s won´t match the richness and transparency of my current Indra´s which I like a lot (great speakers). Have you ever compared the Mini´s to the Indras ?

Wow that's one spectacular spec of Boulder, more than doubling it's rated power to 4ohms? 700watts should be plentiful then! As for transparency and richness/density of tone colour/timbre I would think the MiniII to be quite vastly superior to Avalon--if Eidelon Diamond could serve any reference here (have not heard the Indra though, unless of course they are also a notch up or two above their predecessor in this regard).

Btw the dealer whom I bought the Magico from also happens to carry Avalons and Sonus lines, but unfortunately during my last visit, earlier this year, only the Eidelon and their smaller one down--I can't recall name, were in stock for comparisons. During which audition of MiniII and Eidelon, electronics used were VACs and Soulutions.

Yes, I've heard this dealer friend too raved about the Indra a lot recently (knowing him for more than 10yrs, I have no doubt of his discerning ears and taste in equipments), claiming they are over and above previous Avalons offerings from the Eidelon and down. However, at home, in his personal set-up, he is loving the V3, I wonder..
@ BVdiman:

I´ve had the chance to do an AB comparison Magico V 2 vs. my Indras. Well I found the Indras had more weight, resolution and sounstage depth than the V2´s (probably due to the ceramique transducers).
Unfortunately I still can´t comment on the Mini II. But this first comparison let me to re-think my plans to substitute the Indras with the Minis.
I was told by a friend to look at YG Acoustics Kipod or Rockport Ankaa (or Altair ?) speakers to better the Indras.