AAD 7001 vs Magico Mini MK II

Hi. Currently rebuilding my complete set-up. My Indras will have to go as my listening room moves to a smaller space now (4x5,5 meters).
I´ve heard great things about AAD 7001´s and Magico Mini´s - both beeing said to build the finst monitors available.
Any experiences with these two brands ?
rgds., Frank

I use Boulder 1021 + 1060 electronics.
I think he is referring to V2 (est.retail $18k) the latest offerings from Magico, little brother of V3, releasing alongside their M5. What escapes me though that it was already available in the market for a few months now as Frankpiet stated--the period of breaking them in. Well, I have not been in contact with my dealer friend for a couple of months now, will check..
But the V2 is not out yet. But then again, this guy has not gotten his facts all lined up
@ linkster: please read my comment carefully. I stated that I dindn´t like the Utopia series II models. I haven´t heard the series III line.

@ Roypan: my fault. V 3 (three way, four driver) not V 2 (two way (three driver). Retail for the Magico carried at my home was in the 35-40K range.

The YG is - according to their web-site, going down to 20hz. I would suggest thats pretty low ?

The Indras go down to 27hz. - so fairly low as well. But as I already stated. The synergy between Boulder and Avalon seems to be a lot better than the synergy of the Magico and the Boulder.
Frankpiet: Retail for the Magico carried at my home was in the 35-40K range.

< Gosh..Where you at?? V3 is listed at 25k, and you should be able to get a pair for around 22-24k--delivered, unboxed, set-up etc3!
When I heard the Avalons at a dealer in the DC area, it was with Boulder amplification.

These would seem to go hand in hand.