What is the best full range Speaker ?

I am starting out and have budgeted approx. $5k - $7k for speakers (with approx. $3k for an amp.) with a focus on the midrange. I am considering used/new Legacy Focus. Any help would be appreciated.

To get meaningful advice and make better informed decisions, more info would be helpful. How large a room are you going to have to fill with sound? What are the room's acoustic characteristics; lively & with bare floors & lots of glass, well damped with carpet & plush drapes, etc? Do you plan to have high efficiency speakers mated with a lower powered tube amp or are you thinking of less efficient speakers & more powerful amplification? Have you listened to enough speakers to have any preferences; planar, dynamic, horn, etc? A bunch of scattershot opinions are worthless unless they are applicable to your tastes and room.
I would second Photon46's comments and ask what you mean by "full-range". That term is intended to refer to a speaker that can reproduce all ten octaves, including the lowest octave. Even most expensive ($25k+) speakers are not capable of flat anechoic performance at 20 Hz. If that is indeed what you mean and your budget is $5-$7k, the only options that come to mind that are not powered studio-style speakers are the original Revel Salon and the Dunlavy SC-V.

The Dunlavy is too large to be acceptable in anything but a large dedicated music room (they are the size of a typical refrigerator).

The Salons are more reasonably sized and the more engineered product, but are a true high-end speaker that can't be paired with schlock electronics or they sound like shit (which is unfortunately what happens a lot these days because they can now be had for $7k used). They are also somewhat inefficient and require high-current amplification, which is again tough to do at $3k (there are not many options).

Both the Dunlavys and Revels are close to flat at 20 Hz. and both go very loud, cleanly (especially the Revels when paired with a huge amp).

If you do not need bass below 30 Hz., you create a lot more options for yourself.
The first thing to do is to look at your own musical tastes and decide which areas are most important to you. If you do not have a good grasp of what you are looking for buy an excellent speaker like the Spendor SP-1, which you can pick up used for $800 to 950. Listen to it for a while, its performance is hard to beat at any price, especially with a good sub. If you decide to change you will know which areas you want to improve and which you care less about. ALL speakers, no matter what the price, are compromises; the secret to being happy is to recognize the areas we value the most. All speakers, even very good ones, sound quite different, and the chimera of THE BEST does not exist.
You may want to contact Duke at Audiokinesis. He posts here often. Great guy with some fantastic speakers that get rave reviews at each show he's been at. I don't own them, but am working on it!!! I've yet to find a single bad review of his speakers or him.

I've spoken with him several times, and he is truly a nice guy!