Spendor S8e or Vandersteen 3A-Sig or ?

I'm considering an upgrade from my Vandersteen 2Ce-Sigs and would appreciate hearing your opinions. Has anyone had the opportunity to audition (or A/B) the Spendor S8e and the Vandersteen 3A Sig speakers?

We listen to jazz, vocals and acoustic folk. The rest of our system consists of Arcam AVR350, Cambridge 850C, with Acoustic Zen IC's and speaker cables.

Any input is very much appreciated.
I've owned the Spendor S8e and heard the Vandy, but not side by side.

First the Vandy 3A. It is a very good speaker but it did not send me to Nirvana. It does not have any major flaws but also seems to lack a rather indefinable magic that I look for in a speaker. I also know that Vandersteen has an avid following that feels they are incredible speakers.

The Spendor S8e is a more tightly focused speaker and has a relatively small sweet spot. However the midrange is wonderful and the speaker is very natural sounding. They have good bass and are reasonably efficient and not too hard to drive. Spendors are not a speaker for those who prefer a Kodachrome etch to their sound.

For full disclosure, I ended up selling the S8e and moved to the classic Spendor model SP1/2E. While the SP1/2E doesn't have the deeper bass of the S8e, I found the midrange yet another notch upwards. It is simply amazing and a stunning speaker for those who prefer a realistic and natural sound for acoustic instruments.

However, there is no substitute for listening for yourself. There are many who would make the opposite choice.
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I have to cast a vote for the S8e's as well...though I too just sold mine after 3 years...just wanted to try something new (Merlin monitors).

In my small exposure to Vandy's I found them not to my liking, but have not lived with them.

Your musical taste stated above do fit Spendors to a "T".
Since I have owned neither I won't "talk my book" as many do about the system they own. I have heard both, many times and I would choose the Vandy's everytime. Especially with the refined and detailed music you describe listening to, the time and phase coherent nature of the Vandy's will be magical. I do like the Spendors, and they are a more impactful speaker and if you listened to more big orchestral or loud rock music then I would recommend the Spendors.

You will enjoy either of them, so good luck.
I also vote Vandy, but recommend you get rid of the silver I-C and speaker cables.