Quad ESL owners question

Quad ESL lover's, what other speakers would you consider or own that is very close to the natural sound of the Quads?
Your loss. Its wonderful to find someone with so refined a taste that he can tolerate only one kind of speaker. I like the Quads, but they have faults of their own. I am amazed that you would have expected the Heil tweeter to sound good. I remember when a store in Chicago sold 14 pair of the original Heil speakers and got every one of them back in trade in a short period. I will call it to your attention that when the European national radio networks stopped using Quads as monitors they replaced them with Spendors. Of course their only concern was fidelity to the original sound , not maintaining their pose as an audio guru.
most "box" speakers sound "boxy", whereas panel speakers do not have box calibrations.

i guess one man's trash is another's treasure.

for the record, i could live with any panel speaker, from magnepan to martin logans, apogees, audiostatic, analysis audio, and other panels. cones have colorations which i find annoying.
most "box" speakers sound "boxy", whereas panel speakers do not have box calibrations.

I agree in the sense that a great panel is wonderfully devoid of coloration in the midrange.

However, MrTennis how would you describe the sound of kick drum and toms?

To me they naturally sound "boxy"....

All I am saying is there is "bad boxy" sound from cabinet waffle and "good boxy" sound from instrument resonance...
I liked the big Quads but went with
OHMs for almost 1/3 the cost. No regrets.
having studied percussion instruments in my teen years and became a member of my high school band, i actually played bass drums and also, occasionally snare drums.

there is nothing boxy about a snare drum, bass drum or tom tom, there is a particular timbre of each of the aforementioned instruments, but in either case it does not remind me of the vabinet of a loud speaker.

anyway, if a wood cabinet resonates at a a specified frequency or depending upon the design, resonates at more than one frequency, the timbre of certain instruments may be affected.

i am interested in natural timbre. that is the reason i prefer panel speakers.