Help chossing a good speaker. $ 3-5 K

Hi guys: Need some help. Trying to buy a good pair of speakers. I listen mostly to Classic, Jazz and some Rock from the 60-70's. The room is small (13 * 10 * 9). I have a Mc MC 352. I have looked at Harbeth (M30, SHL-5), ATC (SCM 19, 35 and 40) and Dynaudio Confidence C1. I'm looking for clear, non congested sound. I do have a REL strata III on hand that I could use to extend the lower frequency if a feel I need it. I usually listen at no more than 75-80 dB. Thanks in advance.

PS: this is a review/opinion based blind purchase. Dallas is an underserved City and the ones I have auditioned are too expensive or I did not like.
Clear and dynamic-Klipsch Cornwall's. They work well with McIntosh. Check out for the McIntosh forum.
Nice amp and will get a ton of suggestions on AK.
your room is small and I'd probably try some monitor speakers. You can plug in your sub for the low end, if you feel the need but the room boundaries will emphasize bass and the sub most likely won't be needed. I'd spend some money on treating the room acoustics. Cornwalls are huge and too big for your room. I used to own a pair and they need some room to breathe. The clarity of sound you seek will be heavily influenced by your room acoustics, ac power quality and your source-front end component.
I think the Dynaudio C1's (used) would be an excellent choice for your room. I have a pair and are great for near field listening. I also have a Rel B3 sub which is the icing on the cake.