Best Bookshelf/Monitors Speakers? Suggestions

I am new to hifi, and looking for a pair for pair of bookshelf/monitor speakers, preferrably under 2k, to pair with a Mcintosh ma6450 100wpc. I was originally looking at the B&W CM1, but they are very inefficient(84db), so i was thinking about the CM5, or even the 805S ( both 88db). I feel like I am paying a lot for the name with B&W though, and may be missing out on more lesser known speakers.

I am not necessarily looking for the most accurate speaker, but rather a speaker that is dynamic and creates and wide and deep soundstage. bass extension is also important to me.

I have read about the proac tablette 8 sigs, reference 3a decapo, but im not sure if the de capos are a good choice with my ss amp, and if the tablette 8 sigs will have enough bass.

Obviously I would prefer to audition them, but if i can get a highly recommended pair of used speakers such as the decapo that would normally cost much more new, for the same price as a new pair cm5 (1500) i feel like id be better off. what do you think? Thanks for your help.

Extra infor that may be important:
I live in a high-rise so would like to avoid using a sub.
My Room is approx. 16x17.
Couch (main listening position) is about 8-10 feet from where the speakers will be.
Speakers will be about 7 feet apart.
Probably about 1 foot from the wall behind them.
ok, so i was also looking at the gallo's. can i drive those with 100wpc? their sensitivity rating is 88db, but it just seems to me (with my very limited knowledge) that a speaker that size would need more power.
You should also look into Revel monitors. Although I wasn't taken with their looks, the discontinued M-20s were exceptional monitors. I haven't heard the M-22, which replaced the M-20, but they sure do look better.
Why are small floorstand speakers not a consideration?
the main reason i was not considering floorstanders is their versatility as far as placement options, now and in the future. also because i live in a highrise where space is an issue, as is noise transmission to the floor below.

the wall that i will be placing the speakers along is only 107 inches wide. i have an entertainment unit that is 72 inches wide in the center of this wall, which leaves only about 17 inches on each side. as someone mentioned earlier, i will obviously have to pull the speakers out when i listen to them but on one side of the wall i have a door way, and on the other, a wall of glass which leads to the balcony.

i must say though, that after reading about the gallo 3.1's i am very interested in them. i like what i have read about them, and i like the way they look. i may go listen to them tomorrow if i get a chance.

You gotten many good responds in regards to speakers, so I won't add any more to the list. But what I would recommend since on one side of your speakers you have a glass wall is that you get some lined curtains. The glass will play "hell" with your sonics unless you have some way to tame them. Heavy lined curtains can work very well. As far as your entertainment center, try to pull your speakers as far forward of the entertainment center as you can as it will improve your soundstaging. Actually you might what to audition some speakers that are a bit forward in nature to get a decent depth in your soundstage, since the entertainment center will probably inhibit any soundstaging behind the speakers. BTW, I live in a condo, and have an entertainment center between my speakers, so I do know of some issues that you face.

Thanks for the advice. Its funny you mention the curtains because I do have curtains and thought they would be a problem not a help.

Since we have a similar situation with our set ups, What speakers do you have in your system ?

Finally, anyone know if my mac ma6450 will be enough to drive the gallo 3.1?