Best Bookshelf/Monitors Speakers? Suggestions

I am new to hifi, and looking for a pair for pair of bookshelf/monitor speakers, preferrably under 2k, to pair with a Mcintosh ma6450 100wpc. I was originally looking at the B&W CM1, but they are very inefficient(84db), so i was thinking about the CM5, or even the 805S ( both 88db). I feel like I am paying a lot for the name with B&W though, and may be missing out on more lesser known speakers.

I am not necessarily looking for the most accurate speaker, but rather a speaker that is dynamic and creates and wide and deep soundstage. bass extension is also important to me.

I have read about the proac tablette 8 sigs, reference 3a decapo, but im not sure if the de capos are a good choice with my ss amp, and if the tablette 8 sigs will have enough bass.

Obviously I would prefer to audition them, but if i can get a highly recommended pair of used speakers such as the decapo that would normally cost much more new, for the same price as a new pair cm5 (1500) i feel like id be better off. what do you think? Thanks for your help.

Extra infor that may be important:
I live in a high-rise so would like to avoid using a sub.
My Room is approx. 16x17.
Couch (main listening position) is about 8-10 feet from where the speakers will be.
Speakers will be about 7 feet apart.
Probably about 1 foot from the wall behind them.
The reason I asked about the floorstand speakers is I have been using a small room for my primary listening space for a long time. Many monitors have come and gone, some good ones too, and I always seem to go back to floorstand speakers.
Totem Hawks or Forests are exceptional speakers for their small size. I currently own Thiel CS-1.6s and Meadowlark Audio Kestrels, both of which take up less floor space than my stands. The Kestrel's in particular seem to be made for small rooms. Just my 2 cents.

My system is pretty modest (click on "system" after my name and you can see what I got) but currently I'm running a pair of Madisound speakers. Not bad sounding speakers, although at some point I would like to upgrade to something better (and not just different).

As for my suggestions on the curtains, I find that sound reflecting off a hard surface (such as glass) creates more a problem that sound being diffused/absorbed by a softer surface. In may condo, I have a sliding class door that leads out onto a balcony directly accross from my speakers. I've found that having a lined curtain across that door, I can better control the sound in the room, simply by how much I open or close the curtain.
As to your question concerning the Gallo 3/3,1,they can be driven using 25-40W.However,buy them used as I understand they need to be driven hard to break-in the woofers.
Listen to a pair of Linn Katans. They sound great even before you upgrade them to active. I could not beleive how good a small set of speakers can sound, and I've only liked big big speakers until I heard them. You can also bi wire & bi amp them if you wish.
Someone mentioned Totems, which I forgot to mention before and think is an excellent suggestion if you can find a dealer to audition.

If/when you go hear the Ushers and are concerned about synergy with your amp, why not take your amp along and have the dealer demo them together? Or even better arrange for the dealer to loan them to you for a weekend (always the best option, and relatively easy to do with monitors)? Any decent dealer should do that, and then you'd see whether your amp will produce the sound your looking for in your own room/system. I wouldn't dismiss the Ushers just because your amp puts out 100W -- you may find they work just fine together, and the Ushers are good enough to justify an amp upgrade in the future. I believe the Be-718s are available in different finishes if you didn't like the cherry. Don't mean to harp on the Ushers, but given your stated preferences I think it would be a shame if you didn't at least give them a listen.

If you have a big screen TV in the middle of your soundstage you should drape a blanket or comforter over it when you're listening -- same rationale as curtains over the windows.

Best of luck, and have fun.