New Gallo 3.5's

Prototypes of new Gallo 3.5's being shown at CES. I have the 3.1's and am a big fan. These new Gallo's look really nice. May even convert some of you high enders out there who snub Gallo speakers. Go to link:
LikeCoiledSteel wrote:
"I cannot see the Outriggers being more stable than my stands. "

"Who knows? I wasn't able to find any stands on the Sound Anchors website that were specifically for the Gallos. I *do* know that my speakers are quite stable now, much more so than stock. And I'm betting the Sound Anchor stands cost a *wee* bit more than what I paid."

I was referring to the "outriggers" on the new 3.5's, not your aftermarket ones. They seem like a good deal. The 3.5 ones look cheap to me and is a hard pill to swallow at double the price, regardless of the other changes. The Gallo stands are not on the SA site, but you can see mine on page 4 of the Gallo AVS thread. I think they were $500/pair, but since I bought my 3.1's used, they came free with the set.
"maybe a little more if I decide to add custom spikes"

Barry - so I'm clear the options are:

1) reuse Ref spikes on the Stein stands
2) buy new spikes for the Stein stands

If you go with option 2 then you get something like this:

and it looks like you will get increased stability as the spikes are pushed out all the way to the corners.

RW - Agree the Refs 3s would not make good horizontal center channel speaker :) No dogs here, but we do have cats and birds (I know, I know...). Love to watch the cats on aggressive surround sound discs: the head/ear darts from speaker to speaker are hilarious. The parakeet loves the music and sings right along with it. LOUDLY! He goes crazy when I play a nature/bird song CD. Probably shouldn't tease them like that, but it's better than tying a balloon to the cat's tail!
Those spikes on the Stein Audio site are unobtainium. I know because I came
up with the idea of using these particular spikes in the first place. They were
sourced from Parts Express and cost $14 for four of them, but left the
PartsExpress catalog years ago. If anyone knows where to get them now, please
post the info because I know a couple folks who would love to find them. They
do work like a charm under my Ref 3s. I believe that the stands pictured on
the linked site belong to KK Mui, with whom I collaborated along with Scott
Stein originally. It was KK's idea, BTW, and he made it happen. Dave
Hi Dan,

Well as Dopogue, mentions those spikes are no longer available. Also my stands are different than the stands you see on the Stein Audio website. They are of my own design, that I asked Scott to produce for me. My stands are larger than the stands on the website. They are 1.5" taller and 4" wider and deeper, so even without the outboard spikes the footprint will be wider still. My design can be seen here...

I also contacted another member here who made his own outriggers, and I may make some similar to those. We'll see.
The fellow who sold me the outriggers for my Ref. 3.1s has a link on his site for a wide variety of spikes. Perhaps there is something there that will work properly with the Stein Audio stands...?

Good Luck!
