New Gallo 3.5's

Prototypes of new Gallo 3.5's being shown at CES. I have the 3.1's and am a big fan. These new Gallo's look really nice. May even convert some of you high enders out there who snub Gallo speakers. Go to link:
I was at a dealer this week and asked about hearing the new 3.5, but they didn't have any information past the initial news release.

Anyone else know when they will be shipping?
From what I understand, there are a few more things that Anthony is working on regarding the bases, but it should be soon. I'm psyched to hear the final version.
The bases I have seen on the demo 3.5's via the internet leave a lot to be desired imho. They may be better acoustically but many people also consider looks when buying speakers and those stainless steel bars sticking out the bottom whether they be straight or curved don't do it for me. They do not fit well with the body of the speaker. Mr. Gallo may want to consider taking a more conservative approach. Maybe a stand similar to the current 3.1 but a touch wider and heavier and leave it up 3rd parties, e.g., Mapleshade, to design alternative stands for tweaking. Audiophiles love to tweak, leave them the option. Just my humble thoughts.

I am excited to hear the 3.5's will be coming out soon.
Bostonbean, I agree that those outrigger bases looked strange on the new Gallos. Not that the Mapleshade bases on my Ref 3s are exactly things of beauty, except sonically :-)
Dopogue, I have been reading your reviews of the Mapleshade bases with great interest. I am trying to decide whether to get the Mapleshade bases or get the 3.5's when they come out. After 18 months I love my 3.1's and not anxious to replace them but I have toying with the idea of tweaking them with the Mapleshade bases.