Subwoofer beginner question?

If I'am looking to have more pressurization in the room, yet do not need any more more volume......would a sub with a larger driver help?
Haven't gotten to play with it but everything i have read suggests that you may have an easier time accomplishing your goals with two subs due to the flexibility in placement relative to the room

you can search here, Asylum and Google there is quite a bit
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Thanks alot everyone! My room is 11x17 with the standard 8 foot ceilings. Have recently purchased a used rel q108 and really caught on how to dial this little wonder of a sub into the system, only I'am left with an itch for just a little more "pressure". This is the best I know how to describe it. Not much on measurements, just like to trust the ears. Was considering trying to find another one, as suggested, yet I'am unsure if it is possible to connect two of the neutrik speakon to the one amp. Have a YBA integre which the sub is connected to via the speaker posts. Anyone with experience? My curiosity is if this is not possible, what kind of change would come along if the 8" (q108) was replaced with a 10"(strata 3). Both are sealed closure. Having fun now........