Wilson Sophia 2's on Marantz Reference

I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with the Wilson Sophia 2's and Marantz Reference combo. I am looking into getting a pair of the wilsons and setting them up with the Marantz PM-11s2 integrated and the Marantz SA-7s1 SACD player. Cabling will be Tara Labs or Audioquest. Powercords will be Shunyata Anacondas or Tara Labs The One. Any input on this would be greatly appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrandonosman23
Thank God someone finally settled this purely objective debate. I can now sleep better knowing that Butter Pecan is clearly better than Rocky Road.

Due to this revelation, I called my buddy who just purchased the Sophia IIs (for his second system of course) and asked him why he didn't first ask Mr. Wilson what speaker to buy since Mr. Wilson would have told him to get the B&Ws. He replied "I DID call him but when I went to buy the B&Ws their manufacturer's rep said the Sophias were a superior transducer (particularly given their intended use in a second system). I asked my buddy how and the heck he resolved this baffling dilemma. He said: "Well, I asked myself 'What speaker can I buy where I can get all of the deficiencies of the Wilsons with all of the limitations of the B&Ws' so I did the only logical thing and I went out and bought JM Labs Utopias!!" Made sense to me.

Philbert, you ALWAYS know what to do you wiley guy.
'It's only if you have more cash than you know what to do with and have the most discerning ear do you need to consider the Alexandria X-2 Series 2s, which performance is beyond superlatives.'
I think we all like to think we have discerning ear's , that's why we are on this site and spend more than the average person for your mega expensive highly frustrating hobby/passion. My system costs pennies compared to a lot of hi-fi hobbyists on here.
The Alexandrias only cost a piffling $145,000 so if nothing else, they had better be better than the average high end expensive brethren.
Heard the 802/classe combination, mega expensive, sound produced not worth the money being asked for my ears.
Have heard the Maxx II's also, they are a very nice sounding (and expensive) speaker and for me, if I could afford a pair would win hands down over the 802/Classe combo.IMHO.
Each to their own.
Ah, the show room fixture with a lack of means. They know all and recommend only the finest gear someone else's money can buy. Speakers are a personal choice. B&W makes a fine speaker, as does Wilson. The Wilson Sophia 1 and 2 have garnered the preponderance of the praise. I've owned several speakers from both companies. B&W's are current/power hungry and overdamped by design, which makes for a bit of a problem when it comes to micro dynamic contrast and bloom. They also have a tendency to throw a forward sounding mid band, thus reducing percieved depth. The Wilsons are better in this regard and offer excellent dyanmic freedom with fewer watts.
Another vote for the Wilson Sophia here - I shopped/auditioned the Sophias against the B&W 802D and Revel Studio2 - and much preferred the Sophia - they simply sound more like real music to me - I have them set-up in a large room - with no motivation to upgrade into a larger Wilson System - which I'm well-familiar with since my local Wilson Dealer stocks the entire line. I've auditioned more than 1/2 a dozen Amps with these Speakers, and they have always sounded great!

A very happy and satisfied Wilson Sophia Owner here!
Well obviously to each his own, and certainly as YOU are paying for your speakers, you are entitled to YOUR opinion!

The Sophia 2s do cost more than the 802Ds, and that unfortunately has an effect on many people when comparing the two. No doubt Wilsons are seen as more "exclusive" and "better", and why shouldn't they be? Wilsons "entry-level" is basically B&W's "reference".

On a whole, does Wilson make a better speaker than B&W? Of course! That's been my whole point. Wilson Audio started out as producing really only "reference" speakers and through the years, they have had to make some "entry-level" models for financial reasons. But they certainly are aimed at the "high-end audiophile".

B&W makes iPod docks and "entry-level" speakers that start at $150, not $14,000. There really is no comparison when you are talking about "brands".

But if you are talking about individual speakers, that's when it gets interesting. I have no qualms about people liking the Sophia 2s. It's all a matter of taste. Personally, I find its lack of slam and attack, and limited micro-dynamics compared to other Wilson models EXTREMELY frustrating. I know how good Wilsons can be, and the Sophia 2 falls flat for me, when compared to obviously the X-2s and MAXX 3s, but even the WATT/Puppy 8s.

If the only Wilson you have ever heard is the Sophia 2, then consider yourself blessed. You literally don't know what you're missing. And if you're considering the Sophia 2s and they are the only Wilsons that are within your budget, by God, don't listen to the other Wilsons!

I, unfortunately, have opened Pandora's box, and I won't buy a pair of Wilsons unless I buy a pair of WATT/Puppy 8s, at the minimum. Unfortunately, that is not possible at the moment and I'll see where I'm at in the future after this economy lifts itself from the gutter.

I did audition extensively many other speaker brands including many of the B&W speakers, and think the 802Ds are the best speakers I listened to within my price-range. Yes, better than the Sophia 2s. And impressing my friends isn't much of a concern since none of them know anything about speakers anyway. If I told them I got new Wilsons, they would think I got a new tennis racket! The key is to listen to the Sophia 2s for multiple extended periods (if your dealer lets you) with a wide variety of music. Any Wilson will provide a "honeymoon" period, but the Sophia 2s are the most likely to grow obese with a mustache and sleep with dirtbags at the gas station.