Replaced La Scala with...?

I have a pair of Klipsch La Scala speakers that I picked up used on a whim. I also have a pair of Edgarhorn System 100, but that's another story. It has been a love-hate relationship with the horns. I recently moved the La Scalas into a different listening area and I am not entirely pleased with the sound. I am considering selling the speakers and moving to something new - probably a smaller full-range. My question: why have La Scala owners decided to go to a different speaker, and what has been the speaker progression following a pair of La Scalas?
they aren't hifi speakers they are for PA applications....I suppose you could mod the crap out of them but you're better with something else.
I've owned two pairs of LaScalas, and, as Larryken suggested, modded the crap out of them to get them to sound the way I preferred. They do a whole lot of things really well, but also could stand for a whole bunch of improvements to take them to the next level. I let go of my last pair strictly because of space and WAF issues (I moved out of my large workspace and brought my system home to our modest house). I spent about three years trying to find a suitable replacement and was mighty frustrated along the way. I finally found a speaker that satisfied my desire for the lightening fast and musical speakers that my modified LaScalas were; Coincident Super Eclipse III. They actually do many things better than the Scalas, they go lower and are more coherent throughout the range. I'm using low powered SET amplification, so I absolutely needed something quite sensitive with a flat response. The other speakers I liked were Quicksilver Sonatinas, but they didn't go quite as low as I wanted. The Conincidents are faster, go lower, and throw a great soundstage. Scala's also don't bass, dropping off steeply below 50hz. Still, in their modified form they are hard to beat...I don't think I put that much $ in mods, but certainly it took time and effort. You can probably find other threads in the archives where I go into those mods so I won't repeat them here. Good luck.
i have the lascala twos and i like them very much . i am now looking for new amplification to go with high Dd speakers,no need for powerhouse macs any longer. i used vandersteen and b&w and was happy with them until the klipsch. maybe try a subwoofer with your speakers.