how big a speaker can you put in an 11 x 11 room?

the ceiling is 8 ft but a side wall has a 6ft opening to a 25 x 15 living room. the speakers would be in the 11 x 11 room. I like the Elipsas though the bass seems as though it may be too heavy in a room this size.....same for the Revel Salon2s.....i listen to jazz vinyl through Mac electronics.....
as i said , the very first response, arro totem with storm 1100 for both on audiogon, no brainer, i tell you the arro in that room may not need a could add that later....750 for arro totem ,,,.yes....dwhitt
Search the forums for threads on speakers that work well when placed directly against the wall.
The biggest speaker that I would consider that could work well, if you have 2 corners available for them, are Klipschorns.

I would love to try them in my 12X12 room. Someday I may.
I have owned and auditioned both the Arro and the Ohm Micro Walsh Talls in a smallish room. Both are wonderful in their own ways, but I'm with Mapman on this one: the Ohms are ome of the great bargains of high-end audio and well worth a risk-free audition! They are also very easy to place. I found the Totems fussier.
Large speakers are designed for large rooms, and small speakers are designed for small rooms, in general. Although you can use a large speaker in a small room, often you will have an overload situation with too much bass. If you aren't that critical of a listener, as the other posters say, you can use just about any speaker. If you are interested in the highest level of sound quality, look at the Unifield Model 3, just rated by The Absolute Sound as one of the best sounding speakers at the RMAF. The UniField Model 3 is an expensive speaker designed for small rooms. Read other posts on this speaker here: