First Trip outside of Best Buy, a real newbie.

I am a commoner; I have never been to a real stereo store until this weekend. The big box of Best Buy was all I ever knew.

I went out with my wife, Music Librarian with a Phd in Music who has been happy with her 1980’s Denon but the CD recently player broke on our system. I talked to a friend who loves audio and wanted something I have never heard of called. . . Magnaplaners?

Me I love beauty and things that last, I brought my Claudio Arrau Beethoven Emperor movement 3 DDD disk to test some stuff with and Clara Nunes a great Brazilian singer.

First we hit a place that had some “Maggies” to see and hear for the first time. We walked in, I told them I have a big bonus check and I want to hear the Magnaplaners against the best other speakers you got. The lined up these huge 6 foot panels against some giant B&W box type speaker and plugged these Mark Levinson power blocks. I stuffed in the Beethoven into a Classes CD player that would probably kill my whole bonus.

The Maggies took up this awesome Piano piece and the speakers just disappeared. It was an airy and transparent sound that was not really powerful but beautiful. We compared the B&W and it sounded boxy in immediate comparison. We played a bunch of stuff, but at the first place I was impressed by the Magnaplaners.

Then we went to another shop that had Kef and Spendor. My wife immediately liked the Spendor S9. It was pretty nice, It had a punchy quality but did not have the clarity of the maggies, but good all around power. Then we heard some Kef 207 / 2. The owner cranked up the volume so I am not sure it was fair, but Beethoven was totally epic with some soaring highs. I told the Kef guy that I also listened to the Maggies. He said the Maggies were too specialized and would not work as an all around solution.

I am going to spend another 2-4 weeks working this out and then spend my bonus on a new system. I think I want a good 2 channel system that I can use with my TV. From the thread it sounds like 5 of 7 channel is not worth it.

So what to get? Where to go from here? What will fit in my space well?

My home is open, modern with lots of glass, but small. Where I will put the new system will be in a long thin room. About 12 feet wide and 30 feet long. It is open to other areas of the house and is both a living room and dining room.

I want something beautiful that will last a long time. I loved the Maggies for being invisible, but I also loved the Spendor and Kefs for being powerful.

My house is small and I plan to use the new system as a stereo and 2 channel home theatre.

Thanks for whatever advice you want to give me,
Wow. I was hoping to do a better job by consulting folks who have been into audio. Thanks for the generous feedback one and all. This is all started with the CD player breaking and going to Best Buy and seeing Blueray and then having some reward myself money.

I am taking the advice and slowing down.

We also have a Denon AV355 which is from the 80's. Can I get great sound from this? Could I hook a DAC into this as we have a huge collection and all of Stanford Music library is at my fingertips.

In all the feedback I got, the Apogees sounded really interesting if they have the clarity of the Maggies and the deeper base response would give them a well rounded great feel. In my small 12 x 30 living room could these be worth searching out? I am happy to buy used speakers and keep what I have.

The place where I heard the KEF 207's had them powered by Chord 50,000 dollar amps. I just looked them up. OMG!!! I want to think about the music, hear the music, just enjoy it, and blind fold myself to the supercharged world of power and electronics.

I dislike wasting good things. I am thinking of buying a good CD player and plugging in some speakers that really fit my space into the old Denon and seeing what happens.

The denon might be fine.. Depending on the speaker you end up with… My friend has an early 90's Class A receiver from them, it’s a higher regarded piece, it sounds nearly as good as some of the mono blocks in the higher prices today.. So YES give it a shot, worst case you end up going and getting some new gear, but find the speakers you like best first absolutely.
my only advise...don't spend too much, and don't rely on first impressions...go back a couple of times as recommended above.
I second Jaybo and Newbee.

Don't rush into this. Take your time. I'd suggest auditioning Martin Logans given your taste - they have some convenient sized panels that sound good although not as dynamic as a box speaker. The speaker and listening room is crucial - select other gear AFTER finding your dream speakers rather than the other way round. (FWIW the difference between a cheap CD player and an expensive one is generally a lot less than the difference between cheap speaker and an expensive speaker)

You can do pretty good with careful selection of under $500 on a CDP source and $1K to $2K on amplification but you are just beginning to get into good quality speakers at around $2K and then consider you probably need a subwoofer for a 30 feet long room (and a good quality sub like the JL F113 is around $3K new).
I am a big Magneplanar fan and owned a pair for years.

They are hard to beat for the $$$ in regards to good sound and being "easy on the ear", meaning little or no fatigue factor. They tend to sound better the longer you listen. make sure this is the case with any other speaks you consider as well.

Larger maggies will do better in larger rooms in regards to authority in the low end (bass). They are also very sensitive to proper placement within the room to sound best. Make sure that this will not be a problem.

The only knock on Maggies is that they are a planar design that does not move large volume of air. They are not the nth degree in terms of dynamic impact but provide a very desirable mix of the best attributes speakers can deliver for very reasonable cost.

Also make sure your amp has the power and current needed to drive them to best effect.

A good sub can be added later if needed if you feel you are missing anything on the low end compared to other high end speaks.

Whatever you get, make sure the speakers fit nicely into your room with room to "breathe", ie that they do not overpower the rom from where you listen.

I replaced my Maggies with OHM Walsh design speakers ( in my current residence mainly because I was not able to place them optimally without being in the way.

OHM Acoustics is a well established manufacturer that has been providing outstanding high value speakers and customer service for over 30 years. Their speakers are only sold direct from the factory in Brooklyn, NY, but they have a very buyer friendly in-home audition program for their speakers that virtually eliminates risk of getting stuck with speakers that you may not like much after a while.

Good luck!