Breaking In New Speakers...

Greetings everyone,
I have a spankin brand new pair of Totem Arros (along with center, surrounds and sub) on their way.

Suggestions on how to break these in? What is the current wisdom? What do most Audiogon folks do?

Thanks in advance.
Whatever you do, be careful with the volume, be patient as possible and don't overdrive them.
The ayre (track 7) that audiofeil mentioned is for demag not burnin.track (four) is really great for get the speaker surrounds moving with lttle volume.Turnon repeat over night.I suggest dont turn up loud for first 50 hours.Maybe more.Found my forests took at least 150 hrs.
Just a note on the "face to face with one wired out of phase" technique...

It's best to set the volume BEFORE you face them into each other.
Once the drivers are cancelling each other out, they won't sound very loud, but may in fact be working quite hard!

The Arro's in particular are relatively easy to overdrive.
While I'm a huge fan of Ayre products, I have not used their IBE CD. I do have the IsoTek System Enhancement CD and swear by it.

There are products that you'd like to try / use but don't know if you'll use it enough to justify the costs - the IsoTek System Enhancement CD is not one of those products. I *used* it to break in my components, and I *use* all the time to "warm up" my system. Highly recommended.