You and I are in the same boat, Dodgealum. Probably like many here we have to use what we have the best we know how. The tube trap reference was referring to your runaround of using, perhaps unknowingly, substitutes for actual tube traps. Your corner bookshelf and a house plant probably do a very similar service in breaking up the two back corners of the room :-) Again, no disrespect was intended in the least bit in anything I said. Since Grant seemed to be asking about one area of performance, and you made a very specific response, I just thought that I should point out that your observations (as anyone's) should be put into perspective. Grant's response occurred to me as very 'finite', though he may not have meant it that way.
By way of a personal example; I've had several pairs of Silverline SR17 monitors over many years. I've used them in perhaps half a dozen different rooms with various systems. In some they did an astounding disappearing act (which I believe is a strong suit of that speaker), while in others their soundstaging abilities were limited by the room, the system or both. Had I only had the less ideal room/system to judge them by I would probably opine that they were lacking in that area. So there is yet another consideration in reflecting upon answers of such a query. Just food for thought, I guess.