My dealer likes the Maggies best with teh Rogue Pharoah Integrated. He sells both full ARC and Rogue lines.
I heard that combo and it was top notch. The smaller Sphinx was similarly good but less power if you like things louder.
You could sell teh Rotel to help finance.
Both include built in Phono sections. If phono is not a concern then I would consider a Wyred, Bel Canto, or Benchmark pre-amp to go with teh Wyred amp, with or without integrated DAC depending on need.
I heard that combo and it was top notch. The smaller Sphinx was similarly good but less power if you like things louder.
You could sell teh Rotel to help finance.
Both include built in Phono sections. If phono is not a concern then I would consider a Wyred, Bel Canto, or Benchmark pre-amp to go with teh Wyred amp, with or without integrated DAC depending on need.