6922 tube selection

Time to retube the C-J pre amp and amp. Looking at Genalex Gold Lion tubes at $46.00 each vs Electro Harmonix at $26.00 each. Need a total of 7 tubes. (4 for pre amp and 3 for amp). Any reason to spend the extra money on the Gold Lions? And, any need to spend the extra $5.00 per tube for matching? Thanks for the feedback!
"Don't get cheap on me now." The quality of the tubes in your tube equipment is likely to be significant so consider some NOS from some of the competent venders/individuals on this site. Small signal tubes like the generally interchangeable 6DJ8, 6922, 7308 last a long time...10+ years are possible. When you divide that out, it's worth a consideration. Amperex (older white label) would be a good choice....read "Joe's Tube Lore"
but, I've heard some good things about the Genalex Gold Lion tubes too.
Well, first off, thanks for responding. I have a C-J Premier 17LS pre amp and C-J LP66S amp. Not that it matters, I also have a C-J EF-1 phono stage. (I like C-J equipment). I have e-mailed and called C-J in regards to tube prices and replacements. No reply. So..... looks like I'm on my own. Also, on the C-J site, they state the signal tubes only last a few years and the power tubes (6550) last longer, "change out every other set". I had been under the opposite opinion, but then again could have been given bad information.
I'd take it another notch up to the Telefunken 7jd8, at least in your preamp. They're still available from Upscale the last I looked. I use them in my Premier 16 and they are a significant improvement over the EH.