Good $2k Used Speakers for 20wpc tube amp

Hi Folks,

I recently entered the world of good audio equipment (very recently--last Friday) by purchasing a Manley Stingray integrated amp to replace the 16 year old rotel that had given up the ghost. My system is: NAD 525BEE CD player, Music Hall MMF 2.1 Turntable, older Phonomena Phono Amp (bought used from a friend), Stingray, and 16 year old Boston Accoustics T930-II speakers, which seem the weak link. I am now looking to replace the non-Stingray/Phonomena pieces as budget allows, speakers first.

The Manley has two modes, U/L (40wpc), and Triode (20 wpc). It makes sense to me to consider speakers that are efficient enough to use both. Can people point me in the direction of speakers that may run about $2k used, give or take, and would be a good comlement to the Stingray? Thanks very much.
There is test in TAS (3/09) on a new Cerwin-Vega cls-215 speaker at a grand retail. From everything they say plays loud and easy to drive and maybe as good as most in the 5k region.
I would strongly urge you to consider the Reynaud Offrandes. I've owned these in the past. They are fantastic. Do a search. There is a pair currently listed in your price range. The designer is a big fan of the Stingray.
Maybe Devores, Zu Tones or DALI Ikon 6s. They all are very efficient speakers that will match well with tubes.
just saw a pair of meadowlark heron 2i for sale here.. 2k for 7k spkr. 90 db. u may find bass for rock not as dramatic as ss amps tho so sometimes there is a tradeoff between the 2 types of power source. ntl, the herons are a fabulous spkr and at this price are a steal. classical will sound superb however along with vocals and acoustic instruments. fwiw, i have no relation to seller
oops, overlooked you apparently already were using strike the ss gear inference