Dynaudio sub with C1's

I was wondering if a Dyn sub with the C1's would sound similar to the C4's as far as the bass is concerned? For me there is something special regarding the Dyn bass. I listen near field and as much as I love the C4's they are too large for my listening area. I've demoed the C2's in my home and they are the largest I can go but still there isn't quite enough bass. Currently I use a Rel B3 (I don't have a sub out) and although the bass is very good to me it sounds a little slow for the Dyn's.
If your Rel sub sounds slow its because of self induced stored energy. There are methods and devices that collect and disapate these resonaces. The stored mechanical energy will blend itself with any note to follow. These methods should be applied before you move away from the Rel to another sub. You may have never experienced the Rel in its full glory Any other sub or speaker would also benefit from the same applied method. Tom
Thanks for the response Shadone. My concern is that as great as the Rel is it doesn't seem to match up with the Dyn line. I was thinking if I change my intergrated with one that has a sub out would it be worth it to get the sub 500 to give me the kind of bass the C4's have. My room (living room dining room combo) is 27'X 16' and the setup is on the long wall about a 1/3 off center. I really don't have any other choice for set up (you would have to see my room to believe it - too hard to explain).

Yes I know it would work but I would just like to make sure the Dyn subs follow in the confidence line bass sound. It's several upgrades and a lot of $$$$'s.
My concern is that as great as the Rel is it doesn't seem to match up with the Dyn line.

Dynaudio make professional products. They make superb drivers. People probably think they cost way too much because one driver looks just like another. The reality is that good drivers with large voice coils and large magnets for low Qts are very expensive. In some cases, you do get what you pay for. I realize Dynaudio appears expensive from a superficial perspective - but sound wise you are talking top notch...
I assume you are running the REL off your amplifier's speaker terminals? Much better than a sub-out connection.

I run a REL R205 with C1s and, while I know the 205 is too little sub for my room and these speakers, it's pretty darn successful. Perhaps it's the sealed box of the R series subs.
Oh, and I had been thinking that a sub upgrade for me would be either to a bigger REL or to a JL Audio sub. I would love to hear from Dynaudio owners who have tried different kinds of subs.