How to tell boom from bass: have a reference. You need to use the same disc each time and listen twice, once on a system whose bass is "known to be right" and again on your setup.
One thing you _can_ do without leaving the house, though, is play in mono and compare bass in left and right channels. With an asymmetrical setup like yours, you are bound to notice differences. Adjust speaker placement to minimize these.
When you compare by ear, make sure you do it from the final listening position.
A very good reference on speaker placement and some other things is Jim Smith's "Get Better Sound".
One thing you _can_ do without leaving the house, though, is play in mono and compare bass in left and right channels. With an asymmetrical setup like yours, you are bound to notice differences. Adjust speaker placement to minimize these.
When you compare by ear, make sure you do it from the final listening position.
A very good reference on speaker placement and some other things is Jim Smith's "Get Better Sound".