Pass Labs X250 with merlin VSM-mm/system overhaul?

This is my first post on this board. I own a pair of Merlin VSM-mm's with Super Bam - current CD player is a Sony SCD-555es and amplification is bryston B-60 with occasional berning EA-230 and Bedini 25-25 amplification. I understand that this is not the perfect situation - solid state preamp section on my bryston running the berning or bedini.
I guess I need an overhaul of my system - looking to run a new preamp - ditch the bryston bedini and berning and get a new amplifier. I don't believe that the super high end esoteric stuff is my game - so I don't want to spend more than 2000 for a preamp and similarly on an amp(used). Oh - and I NEED a remote for the pre - not having a remote for the bryston has driven me nuts. tube preamp and ss amp - that's what I'm thinking. Not really interested in an integrated - actually not at ALL.
Best Regards,
The Joule preamps are commonly used with Merlins. I use a modified Joule LA 100Mk.III, this will nicely warm up any SS amp.

I also can't imagine Merlins sounding their best with any SS amps, these speakers are best suited for tube amps. I'm not saying SS won't work, just not the best.
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Agree with Sns but add the AR amp below.

Joule Electra la-100mkiii line stage preamp
Audio Research VT 200 tub amp

Both are on the GON
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I use a Joule pre & several different power amps with my VSMs. The right SS amps actually sound great with this speaker - the bottom end really firms up. (And who among us doesn't enjoy a firmer bottom end?) The TAD Hibachi monos are a very good match - and they're priced in your neighborhood. That said, I, too, usually end up going back to tubes with the VSMs.

Prima Luna monos are a good tubed choice at your budget, and allow for easy output tube rolling. This excersize is really rewarding with Merlins because they are unusually revealing of any upstream changes.
